North America

Basic Information

North America, the third largest continent, is a land of remarkable diversity and natural splendor. Stretching from the Arctic Circle to the Tropic of Cancer, it encompasses a variety of climates and terrains, from the icy Arctic tundra to the tropical Caribbean islands. The continent is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west, offering a coastline filled with breathtaking landscapes and bustling cities.

Home to over 590 million people, North America’s human geography is as varied as its physical one. It boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and histories, from the indigenous peoples who have lived on this land for thousands of years to the vibrant mosaic of communities that make up its modern nations today.

With iconic natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, the Rocky Mountains, and Niagara Falls, North America offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. Its cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto, are centers of commerce, culture, and innovation. This continent truly has something for everyone, from the wilderness seeker to the urban explorer.


Most common questions

Why are North America and South America divided?

North America and South America are divided based on geographical, historical, and cultural factors. Geographically, the Isthmus of Panama is often considered the dividing line between the two continents. Historically, the concept of separate continents is rooted in the European exploration and colonization period, where different cultural and linguistic identities were formed. Additionally, the tectonic plate movements have shaped the continents over millions of years, contributing to their separation.

How North America got its shape?

The shape of North America as we know it today was formed through a series of complex geological processes over billions of years. It began as part of the ancient supercontinent Rodinia, which broke apart, leading to the formation of Laurentia, the core of North America. Over time, Laurentia collided with other landmasses and island chains, contributing to the continent’s growth.

How many countries are in North America?

North America is comprised of 23 countries and 18 dependencies. This includes the three largest countries by area: Canada, the United States, and Mexico, as well as the countries in Central America and the Caribbean.